Are your Holiday Decorations the envy of your neighborhood? Did you teach Clark Griswold everything he knows about light decorations and ladder safety? If so, this event is for you!!
The UA holiday house decorating contest returns for it’s 2nd consecutive year and is being sponsored by the Upper Arlington Civic Association Alumni!!
Holiday House Decorating Contest
Sponsored by the Upper Arlington Civic Association Alumni
Click Here To Register or Nominate Someone
All homes within Upper Arlington are welcome to participate. Homeowners must register or be “nominated” by an admirer in order to be judged.
Entry Applications must be received no later than 6pm on December 9, 2018.
Judging will take place the week of December 10, 2018 so make sure to have your lights on as soon as it is dark!
Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
- Clark Griswold: excessive use of outdoor lighting and decorations
- Inside-Out: indoor displays that are visible from the street
- Anything Goes: no specific theme, but WOW!
- Neat As A Pin: crisp, tidy and extremely orderly
- Best Front Door/Entryway
- Best Overall